A conversation with James - April 22, 2010

I was able to "chat" via email with James today. He has 30 minutes each P-day (preparation day) to use a computer and read his email and send out new ones. We chatted back and forth for a couple of minutes before he had to go. Our conversation is below:

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James:  Hey dad. you online?
Dad:  Yes.
James:  Hey :D I'm working on an email for you all. How are things?
Dad:  Things are good. I sent you an email today. Did you get it?
James:  Ya i did. I just sent my long one. I have less then ten minutes on my timer lol. it's a bummer having a timer. There won't be one when i'm out in the field.
Dad:  I saw your note about the flag Aunt Beverly and Uncle Randy ordered for you. I am going to pick up the flag. I'll send it to you as soon as I get it. 
James:  SWEET. ya get a big one like the ones in my room. 
Dad:  How are you handling getting up every morning?
James:  I'm fine with it. Elder Hilton likes to get up at 6 lol
Dad: I am so happy you are doing well. That's what we worry about the most...we just need to know you're okay.
James: Ya, I'm doing good. Just stressed this week but i'm ok. I prayed really hard last night cause of the language problem. but i'm not going to give up at all. We have heard so many stories about these people. i'm excited. but my time is almost up so if i don't email back just know I love you and I look up to you so much. I always think what would my dad do. Your my hero dad and I can't wait to get home and tell you all about my adventures.
Dad:  Have a great week. Don't stress about the language. It will come. Love you!
James:  ok :D love you dad

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