Zone conference was very fun! President dance is just the man. I love having him as my Mission President and Sister Dance is so wonderful. She's such a mom with all her worries over us. President Dance was talking about Capt. Moroni and the title of liberty. He was saying he wanted to be like him and tear off his shirt and right the words of liberty on it. So as he is telling us this. He took of his jacket. started taking off his tie. by this point everyone was like uuuuuuuuhhhhhhh, lol. Then BLAMO he rips of his shirt and buttons go everywhere. Thet funny part is he had another white shirt and tie on. ahahaha. Then he wrote love, determination, etc. on it. it was so so funny. lol
Zone conferences though are just with the missionaries in your country. It's not all three countries. That would be crazy. So I see all the missionaries all the time. But now it won't be as much cause now zone conferences are going to be quarterly.
I'm so jealous about the fishing trip you got to go on. We didn't get to go on one before I left. We will have to go when I come back. I really want to see where this secret spot is. I see people fishing here and it makes me miss fishing. I want to see if they will let us go ice fishing lol. haha i laughed so hard about your beard thing and parker calling you a pirate. :D I can totally picture him doing that. I have had to start shaving everyday. It's such a joy. lol. I used to think shaving was cool now it's a pain lol.
That's so cool about the new families. I can't wait to meet them. I will embrace them as the Lithuanians do here. lol inside joke with myself. lol. That's funny how you tell them i'm adopted lol. Maybe I will be way different looking when I come back so they will believe it.
OOO the ashton's are going to Switz. That's way cool. I became friends with an elder in the MTC who was going there. We get a lot of swiss chocolate here :D lol tell them to come say hi up here in Lietuva. It's cooler here. :D Ya if you all came out to Europe it would crazy to think you were so close and I couldn't see you. Unless you came to Lietuva cause I would expect you to come to church lol.
I'm glad to hear the letter got to mom. Her letter still hasn't come yet. Before this transfer is over I will be sending out some tapes and what not. There's is only two more weeks til this transfer is over. Where has the time gone? Elder Porter and I are way good friends. He is from Lehi. He goes home after this transfer :D He is so so excited! Elder Hatch goes home a week from tomorrow. It's crazy!
I love the work though. lol I meant to say 1/4th not 1/3rd. My math, english, communication skills are leaving. Elder Porter laughs cause some days we just talk like retards cause with learning Lithuanian, it kills communication skills. Gramar here is so so different so you have to fix your brain so when you switch back, things come out funny when you talk. But i have to go now. We are going up to the famous castle, trikai. :D I'm so excited. Oh btw, I'm legal now. we took care of my visas and living permits yesterday so i'm all taken care of. We are picking up my living permit tomorrow :D So you don't have to worry about that. :D I love you all so much. I love hearing from you and knowing what's going on at home.
Su meile.,
Vyresnysis Sanfordas
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