Sviekas Papa,
Ok so before I forget, here's what you do for the phone call. I'm going to talk to you first at 8:00 p.m time here on sunday, since mom said there won't be any problems talking on sunday. So that I believe is 11 A.M. your time. We are nine hours ahead. The number is 01137060678579. President Dances number, incase you have problems, is 01137129287605. There shouldn't be any problems this time cause the phone lines won't be as busy. :D I can't wait to talk to you all! If you have any problems with that email back asap and I can check my email later tonight cause we will be at the church.
This week was a pretty good week. We talked to three guys, one of them was kinda a bible bash he was trying to start but I "caught him with guile"haha. jk. I will tell you more about it on the phone. The other two were pretty cool. We are going to call one of them to set up a time to meet with him which I am way excited about. He was way cool to talk to. The other one is an older man who played futbol for russia before the USSR and then told us his life short story. He has lived all over and lives a lot of the time in Africa. He said the F word a lot which made us laugh. He spoke english with us. haha. He was pretty funny but I don't know if we will meet with him. Who knows we might as well try. :D We have another lesson set up with another guy who used to meet with missionaries so that will be exciting. The weather has been so nice here. I love it, today it is a bit cooler but last week was way warm. We were in our white short sleeve shirts and it feel great. It felt like I would never wear those shirts again :D Here's a funny thing, so here in Lithuanian, the celebrate Mother's day on the 1 of May, so we had mothers day yersterday. I was really confused when people kept saying happy mother's day to eatchother. I wondered cause I didn't tell you about calls or anything. haha. One of the members joked with me and said I should just marry a beautiful lithuanian girl after my mission so they could have more young families and more young mothers in the branch. haha. I said I would think about it :D
Parker sounds like he is doing really well with his T-Ball. I hope he will still be into that next year so I can come see him play. :D Baseball definitely isn't a popular sport here :D I haven't seen any baseball diamonds haha. They sure love basketball which I love playing. and Futbol as well.
Well this is kinda short email but I figure I can tell you more on sunday. :D That's so crazy how we are already having another talk on the phone. It feels like it wasn't that long ago we talked at christmas and there was snow everywhere. I am happy the snow is finally all gone and it is finally warm here. :D Lithuania is so beautiful in the spring time. It's so green. It rained yesterday for along time so we left the sun roof window open so we could listen to it. I love hearing the rain and when it rains, it really rains here. That's why it's called Lietuva, the place of rain.
Anyways, I hope you all have a great week and I will talk to you on sunday. :D
su daug mielų,
Vyresnysis Senfordas
( I got new name tags that say senfordas cause it's easier to say for the people so now I am senfordas :D)
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